Mission Statement
Our mission is to show God’s love by—faithfully worshiping, praying, studying God’s word, caring for each other, and reaching out to others with the Good News of Christ.
What to Expect When You Worship With Us

At Church of Christ Uniting, you will find friendly people from all walks of life worshipping together. Come as you are and you will be welcomed with open arms.
When you enter the sanctuary on Sunday morning you will be greeted by one of our ushers who will hand you our Sunday morning bulletin. Feel free to sit in any open pew.
During worship there is a time for children to come forward for a special message; parents are always welcome to accompany their children during the children’s message. From September to June, we offer Sunday School immediately following the children’s message. Our Sunday School leaders are trained in our Safe Sanctuary practices to help ensure the safety of all who worship with us. Throughout the year we also offer a nursery for our youngest worshippers.
If you are worshipping with us on the 1st Sunday of the month, we will be celebrating Communion Sunday. Communion is open to all who earnestly seek a relationship with the Lord, you do not need to be a member of the church to take communion. Ushers will bring the bread and unfermented grape juice to where you are seated.
Stick around after church for Coffee Hour and an opportunity to spend some time with the friendly people of Church of Christ Uniting.
Church of Christ Uniting, follows the Upper New York Annual Conference Safe Sanctuaries Policies and Procedures to ensure the safety of all children, youth and vulnerable adults who attend our church, visited by our laity, or participate in our programs.
Have more questions? Contact us!
Church Office: [email protected]
Additional Resources:
Click to open each organizations website.
United Methodists of Upper New York (Upper New York Annual Conference)
Oneonta District of the United Methodist Church
The Upper Room www.upperroom.org (Devotional Resources)
VanderKamp (Presbyterian Camp)