Christian Fellowship and Service Guild Membership Information
June 14–44th Annual Friendship Craft Festival
October 4–5th Annual Fall Craft Fair at the Cullen Pumpkin Farm
The Christian Fellowship and Service Guild welcomes new members any time of the year. We are an active group that in recent years have been able to donate more than $5,000 annually to area missions. We are proud to help our neighbors! Won’t you join us?
For more information on what the Women’s Guild is all about, please refer to the tab “2024 Officers and Committee Members” for a listing of current officers/committee people to reach out to, or call FaithAnn Young, Guild President, at 315-868-2657.
We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have.
2025 Officers and Committee Members
President – FaithAnn Young
Vice President – Carla Eckler
Treasurer – Geri Erwin
Secretary—Cindy Talbot
Spiritual Growth – Carrie Gardner
Public Relations – Carla Eckler
Fellowship & Membership – Linda Ehlers, Donna Jones, Linda Watkins & Cindy Talbot
Events & Highlights – Linda Ehlers & Carrie Gardner
The following are shared by all Guild members:
Sunshine (via sign up sheet)
Christian Social Concerns
Mission Education
Nominating Committee
2025 Meeting Schedule

2025 Fundraisers and Events
All Fundraisers are at the Church of Christ Uniting unless otherwise indicated. Check back as events may be
added or altered.
April 5: Brooks’ Drive Through Chicken BBQ, 4 PM until sold out
April 13: Palm Sunday service, 9:15 AM
April 13: Annual Bread Auction, after church service
April 17: Maundy Thursday service, 7 PM
April 18: Good Friday service, 7 PM
April 20: Easter Sunday service, 9:15 AM
May 12: Women’s Appreciation Dinner, 6 PM
May 15 & 16: Spring Rummage sale (hours forthcoming)
June 14: 44th Annual Friendship Craft Festival, 9 AM – 3 PM
September 26: Fall Rummage Sale (hours forthcoming)
October 4: 5th Annual Fall Craft Fair, Cullen Pumpkin Farm, 10 AM – 4 PM
November 15: Luncheon/Bake Sale/Craft Corner, 10 AM – 2 PM